Monday, February 6, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

Using social networks for finding brand ambassadors and employees is not surprising. People are on the computer more than ever. The company can see how much a person is in to their company by looking at their Facebook page. When reading about brand ambassadors it made me think about YouTube. There are a lot of women that show how to do make-up. A lot of them are given products for review by companies. You can see once they use their products how they get things shipped to them. They even mention if things where sent to them or if they bought them on their own. Facebook is also a great way to see how a person acts as well. A lot of companies look at a person’s Facebook page before hiring them so it is not a huge jump to then hire them off of Facebook they are already here. Also LinkedIn is a growing company and that many people know of them as they do of Facebook. "Consumers hear about products and brand experiences from others just like themselves—people they trust—rather than from commercial marketing sources." (Marketing An Introduction, GARY ARMSTRONG page 143). Today’s consumers want to hear what others like them prefer and not what the company wants them to hear. They feel more of an insider and have the scoop of what others are using. While Facebook’s market on using its services for finding jobs is still growing it is having steady progress. “Still, Facebook is making a dent. VMware Inc., a Palo Alto, Calif., cloud-computing company, hired its first full-time recruiter dedicated to working on social networks in November and is building a team of recruiters who will focus on social platforms.” ( company is making great stride in finding new markets in which to expand on to. I mean did you ever think when you were updating your status that a company could be looking at your page to maybe hire you? I would say that this is some great food for thought so get out there and look on Facebook for jobs, think about what your posting it could even effect you getting that dream job of yours.

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